We’ll be honest; it’s been a while since we’ve spent some time here. We are working to fill a few news gaps. New articles are being written in our spare time (yeah, good luck with that). There are great ideas and good intentions floating around to incorprate some visual updates here in the coming months. In the meantime, here are a few things that have transpired in our little world:
Videotape is being distributed through several streaming platforms in the US and worldwide, including Amazon Prime Video. It will soon be available in over 80 countries. If all goes well, we may have exciting news about another platform later this year.
Andrew and Kevin are currently working with a wonderful writer named Abigail M. Peterson on a thriller codenamed 'XV-002. It is a look at community, controversy, culpability, and cognitive dissonance. Yes, both the vagueness and the alliteration were intentional. We’re excited.
People have died and people have come into this world. We’ve lost ourselves in it, found something, and questioned we were ever lost. In other words, life happened. We hope you have enjoyed your own journey, and we extend an invitation to join us in the stories we are working to bring alive.