Update 11 April: Charles Manson was denied parole today. The board set his next hearing for 2027, assigning him the maximum time allowed between hearings.
On 11 April, Charles ‘Charlie’ Manson faces parole. Since the publication of Sharon Tate, a collection of prose from Andrew Yorke concerning the life of the late actress, Andrew has maintained personal contact with Debra Tate, Sharon’s sister and an advocate for victim’s rights. When Debra requested that members of the public write to the parole board concerning Manson’s release, I poured a glass of whiskey and sat down with Andrew to pen our appeal.
Having finished the letter and sent it off to the parole board and to Debra, we would like to make it available for public viewing. Should what you read inspire you, letters can be e-mailed until 11 April. See the poster below for particulars.
Good luck at the hearing, Debra.

A Letter Concerning Charlie
In considering the parole of any prisoner, it is one's hope that any parole board could entertain the possibility of change. Change in a prisoner's behavior. Change in a prisoner's conduct. The most important change, however, is that of a prisoner's character. Looking at his personal history and his opportunities to change prior to his current incarceration, there can be no doubt — Charles Milles Manson is a man whose fundamental character cannot be changed.
The first twenty-five years of one’s life see a lot of change as one adapts to the nuances of society. During this time, one learns both the laws governing daily life and how to circumvent them. How to sneak out at night without getting caught and how to cheat on a school exam — yet Charles was learning to get away with armed robbery. Before his twenty-fifth birthday, Charles had escaped from institutions four times. He was paroled twice, once following three years in juvenile institutions. Serving multiple probations, he did not once honor the full term. By the time he saw his third release, he had been insitutionalized or imprisoned for more than half of his life. The world to which Charles adapted was a cycle of crime and punishment.
In 1952, during a juvenile term at Natural Bridge Honor Camp, Charles Manson sodomized another boy while holding a razor blade to the boy’s throat. In 1961 and 1964, he was noted in his review at McNeil Island as having a tremendous drive to call attention to himself. Before the end of 1967, seven years after an arrest for pimping, Charles shared a residence with nineteen women. A year later, the young women were having sex on his order to obtain free room and board. The events that followed two years later, as well as accounts of how they came to happen, are public knowledge.
In researching the life of Sharon Tate, we encountered many stories of Charles Manson. It is the opinion of this organization that to deny parole is at once a deserved punishment and a merciful decision. He has spent more than two-thirds of his life in prison. As he has personally expressed the desire to remain incarcerated on more than one occasion, his ability to adjust after parole should be taken into serious question. Charles Manson’s history and his public statements also indicate a man who is and will continue to be a danger to society. He favors attention to a fault, and engenders both a conspiratorial nature and a desire to affect the world around him. Without taking a life, such a man can endanger the lives of others from a compulsion to conspire and control.
For the benefit of the public and all parties involved, this entire organization firmly submits that Charles Milles Manson be once again denied parole.
Andrew Yorke
Kevin Michael
xteamartists, llc
For more information …
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