An old acquaintance of mine, an artist by the name of Peyton Morris, recently made an irresistable request of her Facebook community. She asked for an image from a dream, told in the best possible detail. Why? She would like to paint it.
Having recently dreamt a strange dream — and different from my usual kind of strange — I offered it to her. It somehow piqued her interest, and a day later she handed me a dream.
I was driving a dark blue 1948 Studebaker sedan when, all of a sudden, waves upon waves of gold overcame the car. I was swallowed by all of the gold.
Funny thing is — I hate gold.
From my mind to your screen. Incredible. Thank you, Peyton.

For Something Different
Peyton recently caught my interest when she cut through the mire of Facebook with a post about new life. I don’t mean another of the myriad of births and new pets which seem to constantly populate the News Feed. This was different.
This was living in her bathroom.

So there’s been this little orange fuzz in our bathroom for some time now. I thought it was cute, so I didn’t really think anything about it other than it’s kind of cute, so I’ve been cleaning around it. Then, when I walked in this morning, this thing had popped up. It’s doubled in size since I took the picture. I think it’s neat. «»